Since the first time our anonymous mothers and fathers illustrated the first image of the hordes of bulls on the walls of the caves, not only did they learn that art has the ability to ‘express’ but they also noticed their own unique power to observe and illustrate the wildness around them.
The simultaneousness of the discoveries allowed them to slowly learn and use their innate intelligence to come out of the caves, end the neighboring with the animals to build civilization, and run from the fearful life in the lawless nature that shamelessly afflicts the residents of the wilderness. Yet from Minotaur to Centaur, from werewolves to vampires or goblins who appear upon humans with their hooves and frighten them; sometimes the animals whom we abandoned in hope of a better future pay us a visit and for a moment remind us of the dread of living in the unruly nature. With their half human-half animal bodies, not only they are all memoirs of the animalistic side of all of us, abandoned in the caves; but they are also demonstrations of the dread we left behind in those caves, which seems to be haunting us .like an eternal curse The inner animal can be a picture of all of these; a reflection of any personal fear, or an obscure memory of the past that has remained in our recollection like a free natural dream in the caves. Yet doubtlessly it is an image of a small belief, that art is undeniably connected to our innermost needs; the very thing that contemporary art tries desperately to forget.
Curator’s note
“Sogol & Joubeen Studio curated this exhibition in collaboration with Hafez Rouhani”